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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Teaming Up with ESUP - Finance Work Stream

According to Gina Danyluk, an Academic Health Center cluster director and ESUP Finance Functional Steering Committee member, an effective team is one that, "has a common goal with well-defined expectations of team members and an organized approach to achieving the goal.” Gina’s co-lead on the Expenses Workgroup for Finance is Lisa Luhman Bass, a business analyst on the Module Support Team. Lisa described an effective team as one where, “it's important to listen to everyone's point of view and to be respectful. As a member of a team no one person is greater than the others.”

Gina and Lisa make a great team on Finance because they’re able to appreciate what the other person brings to the table, along with the ability to see differing points of view. This ability came into play when the issue of pcard purchase approvals arose. The current process includes a forced reconciliation process, which will not exist once My Wallet is introduced. The exclusion of forced reconciliation was a concern for both Central and local managers. Gina and Lisa’s hard work, and the determination of their team, allowed them to come up with a proposed solution: notifications and reporting to different constituencies related to pcard transactions. For example, alerts will go to cardholders of pending transactions to be reconciled, while reports will be created for unposted transactions and sent to department managers.

Gina and Lisa make great co-leads, but they want to make sure that credit is given to their dedicated team members.

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