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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

ESUP surveys to gather stakeholder feedback

ESUP staff are constantly evaluating and adjusting their work based on feedback and data. Consistent with this practice, the Program is sending its second stakeholder assessment survey to nearly 5,000 people across the system campuses this week. The purpose of the survey is to gather new information, compare the results to the first survey sent in December 2012, and gain a better understanding of stakeholder awareness, engagement, and areas of concern to move the Program forward most effectively.

The first stakeholder assessment survey established a baseline of information for the Program to help guide strategy and direct specific actions. For example, the first survey revealed 74 percent of stakeholders are involved in multiple work streams, and while 81 percent believe they will receive appropriate training, nearly 20 percent have concerns. To respond to this information, Program staff are ensuring stakeholders receive targeted communications across the work streams and timely, comprehensive information about training.

When the survey closes, ESUP team members look forward to using the data to evaluate and modify their plans where necessary. However, they can only analyze results if recipients take a moment to provide feedback. So please, take a few moments and complete the survey when it arrives in your email inbox!

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